Fine motor activities
& early learning
Program, resources, workshops & OT services
my Fantastic Fingers®
I provide occupational therapy for children on the Sunshine Coast (Australia). I also run workshops for parents, teachers, & occupational therapists.
To help you explore my services, I have put short descriptions with links to more detailed information below. Please contact me if you would like to make a booking, require further information or have a particular need that you would like to discuss.
Occupational Therapy for your child
I provide occupational therapy for children mainly between ages 3 to 6 years. I offer two approaches for intervention. The first is school readiness. See this brochure.
This checklist covers some issues that impact on success at school.
Secondly, I am trained to help children and their families by using neurodevelopmental movements which can decrease anxiety, improve focus, emotional regulation, sensory processing as well as underlying motor skills.
I offer hands-on therapy (I work with you and your child regularly) or a supervised DIY option (you do the program at home with my oversight). Questions?
Occupational Therapy services at your preschool or school
If you are based on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, I am able to help you identify and support children ages 4 to 6 years. I offer discounted Get Fit for School Checks. These are described in my brochure. If you are interested in my school services e.g. handwriting readiness screens, motor and literacy groups, whole class interventions, or have a particular need, please contact me.
Training on using Fantastic Fingers® Program
I run a 60 minute introductory training session which I deliver online or as a face-to-face workshop. I tailor the content to suit preschool teachers, school teachers and/or occupational therapists e.g. this is the flyer for teachers. I can use Zoom to deliver online training. Handouts & certificates are provided.
I provide more in-depth training on the Fantastic Fingers® Program which can be delivered to suit your needs e.g. this is a flyer for 2 hour blocks for teachers. I also run half day workshops. Contact me to discuss your training needs.
More Workshops
My 1 hour parent workshop 20 Terrific Activities to Prepare Your Child for School is very popular as it gives parents fun, user-friendly and low cost ideas.
I also run a 1.5 hour Popcorn and Animals Make My Muscles Strong! workshop which provides lots of inspirational and practical ideas in a play based context. Contact me for more information.